22Mai: Film Screening – documentary Nas Rodas Do Choro + Talk
6pm to- 7pm – Brazilian Pandeiro Workshop with Milena Sá (15 euros)
7:30- Film Screening – documentary NAS RODAS DO CHORO (free)
8:30 Pm – Talk + Roda (free)
“The documentary “The Circle of Choro” directed by Milena Sá , goes through the choro music universe, having as main interest the learning process of this instrumental typically Brazilian genre. It is precisely on the meeting called Rodas de Choro, that the enchantment takes place, in an informal environment where difference of age, color, sex has no value. They are memories, meetings and reunions with a greater purpose, making music, improvising and having fun.”
The director Milena Sá is going to be there to talk about the film. After the film screening Roda de Choro.